i had my hair coloured today
wasn't done by hairstylist at saloon, but i did it myself, at home! huuu
well.. this time i've used red henna and by following the instructions from several trusted YouTube videos (ehem..), i can say it has been a success!
warna lebih kurang macam gambar kat atas, sorry i couldn't show my hair here... not anymore... dulu adela terlepas sekeping dua gambar, but i guess no more... azam baru adalah mahu menjadi muslimah yang lebih baik dari dahulu.. :)
i did asked mr hubby about my hair.. and he loves it! mmuuaah kat papa!
lately, my hair rasa macam tak bermaya.. kene cari vitamin or serum kot kasi lebih 'hidup' haha!\
siapa kata orang pakai tudung takleh buat treatment rambut.? perlu tau.. at least bagi keyakinan pada diri sendiri..plus yang macam saya ni dah bersuami, kene tunjuk kelainan pada suami..kalau tak bergaya pada die, pada sape lagi kan?
Happy Weekend guys!
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