this is what we do early in the morning every Tuesday..
big black garbage bin for refused waste
black recycling box for plastics, cartons and carboard
green bin for food waste
we always came out with these 3 every collecting day..
actually we were provided with four bins/boxes altogether -- plus blue recycling box, where we throw all cans, tins, aerosols, and all glass bottles and jars, tapi kitorang tak beli banyak can of drinks plus orang putih kat sini kan drinking, so they always came out with 4 every collection day.. :)
saya dengar kat certain tempat diorang provide sampai 9 jenis recycling waste! ouch!
kat sini pihak council dah bagi tarikh bile dia akan datang collect all the wastes..jadi tak perlu bawak keluar bins/boxes everyday.. recycled waste akan dikutip setiap minggu tapi refused bin hanya dikutip 2-3 kali sebulan je
i actually love the system
kalau balik Malaysia nanti, kenela maintain dengan lifestyle macam ni jugak
2 voice outs!:
manyaknya tong sampah dia. rumah kami sebabkan flat (tak muat tempat) , so ada 3 jenis je - yang black biasa besor and 2 kotak recycle. tuan rumah takmo bebanyak. hik
tula.. kat sini, pihak council yang anto kat setiap umah.. jadi semua umah dapat.. kalau sesiapa yang selalu tidy up garden, boleh lagi request garden waste bin lagi tu..
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